I. CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Bill Britton at 1600 hours. Members present: Bill Britton, Mike William, George Owen and Dee Potter. Member absent: Larry Helsley. Others present: Chief Alvord, Hazardous Reduction Coordinator Mike McMillan, Engineer Larry Brown, Probationary Firefighter Jeffrey Hamilton and Clerk Marjie Watkins.
A. Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting August 2, 2011
B. Approve Warrant Lists and Journal Entries – MSC: Williams/Potter to approve the consent agenda as presented.
Title: (Captain / Duty Officer)
No public comments, entered into closed session at 1602 hours.
Entered into open session at 1627 hours. Chairman Britton reported the Board made a decision regarding public employment resignation/appointment.
A. Discuss/Approve employment agreement between District Clerk and the Weaverville Fire Protection District - MSC: Owen/Potter to approve the employment agreement subject to Legal Advisor David Hammers approval.
B. Discuss/Approve hall rental fee waiver for the Weaverville Garden Club - Chief Alvord reported the garden club has grown too large for their original meeting place, MSC: Williams/Owen to approve the hall rental fee waiver for the Weaverville Garden Club.
C. Discuss/Approve waiver of restriction under policy 95-1 for bingo to be conducted at the Weaverville Fire Department for Weaverville Volunteer Fire Department fundraiser – MSC: Williams/Owen to approve the waiver of restriction under policy 95-1 for bingo to be conducted at Weaverville Fire Department for a Weaverville Fire Department fundraiser.
D. Discuss/Approve resolution 11-2, approving 50/50 grant with the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CalFire) – MSC: Potter/Owen to approve Resolution 11-2, approving the 50/50 grant with the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. Roll Call Vote: Bill Britton Aye, Larry Helsley Absent, Mike Williams Aye, George Owen Aye, and Dee Potter Aye.
E. Discuss/Approve Volunteer Fire Department Halloween haunted house and smoke maze – Probationary Firefighter Hamilton requested permission from the Board to have the Halloween haunted house and smoke maze at the fire hall again this year. There was discussion regarding clean up. MSC: Williams/Owen approved subject to checking on insurance coverage for this event.
F. Discus/Appoint Tuition Committee – Chief Alvord reported there is an EMT class coming up, he went over the tuition reimbursement policy and asked for a board member to join the committee. Chairman Britton appointed Dee Potter to the Tuition Committee.
A. Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Mr. McMillan reported that Firestorm is done for the summer and will be back in the fall. Larry Brown has been doing a great job at weed abatement. Chief Alvord and Mr. McMillan attended the Board of Supervisors meeting where the next round of Title III funding and alternative methods to burning debris was discussed.
B. Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report: Chief Alvord reported:
Inspections – Hydro test at the mill, 1st resident in Weaverville with sprinklers will be on Brooks Lane, and 2 lot line adjustments.
Vehicles – Hose testing has been completed there is an inventory of quantity of hose. Pump testing has been completed; a summary is provided in the board packets. We are good to go forward with the FEMA engine grant.
Training – Live fire training here October 8th. LZ operations thru Reach here tomorrow night, Volunteers will be training in the field for the next 2 weeks. Upcoming events are emergency preparedness booth at Ace on Sept 18th, Hal Goodyear’s memorial September 24th.
Misc – Chief Alvord reported the County has not yet approved our Fire Code Ordinance, it was supposed to be on the BOS agenda today and it was not. Chief Alvord reported on 2 legislative updates, SRA fee is trying to be raised from $90 to $175 per parcel, discounts and additional fees were discussed. CalPers proposal on exiting districts, change for terminated agency pool, he believed that we are grandfathered. Chief Alvord is on the committee for the Homeland Security grants and sitting on the committee to review applications for Dave Vandenover replacement at the Water District. 4 people have resigned from the Fire Department, 1 new member is working very hard to get his certificates completed. Chief Alvord and Firefighter Curran set up a recruitment booth at the high school and got 13 interested recruits, they will have a parent, junior meeting next Tuesday night. Bill of Rights for Firefighter was received by VFIS.
Sleeper Program Reports – Chief Alvord reported they have been working on the exterior lights at Station one, dishwasher is not draining well, and we are waiting on parts to get WT-32 door fixed. Sleeper Curran is currently working, Sleeper Heryford just returned from National Guard.
C. Committee Reports:
a. Recruitment Committee – None
b. Collections Committee – None
c. Contract Committee – None
D. Directors Reports – None
VII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1710 hours.
Approved: October 4, 2011
______________________________ _____________________________
Bill Britton, Chairman Marjie Watkins, Clerk